X-ray and Workers' Compensation and Personal InjuryHours
Physician Office
Monday – Friday | 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
By Appointment
Parking & Directions
Our entrance is to the left of the main building entrance.
Physicians & Staff
Showing 10 of 10Showing 10 of 10
Adebola T. Adeleke, DPM, FACFAS
Lawrence Berson, MD
Lee R. Bloom, MD
Zachary Cavanaugh, MD
Jeffrey Chen, MD
Alfred K. Hicks, DO
Ryan A. Naujoks, MD
Brandon Prioreschi, MD
James Walsh, DO
Amy Wasterlain, MD

- Foot and Ankle
Practicing in:
Middletown, Westbrook, Newington, Hebron, and Marlborough
- Foot and Ankle
Practicing in:
Middletown, Newington, and Hebron
- Sports Medicine
Practicing in:
Middletown, Hebron, Newington, and Westbrook
- Orthopedic Oncology
Practicing in:
Middletown, Newington, and Hebron
- Hand and Upper Extremity
Practicing in:
Middletown, Hebron, Newington, and Westbrook
- Spine
Practicing in:
Middletown, Marlborough, Newington, and Westbrook
- Hand and Upper Extremity
Practicing in:
Middletown, Marlborough, Newington, and Westbrook
- Hip and Knee Replacement
Practicing in:
Middletown, Newington, Westbrook, and Marlborough
- Sports Medicine
- Hip and Knee Replacement
Practicing in:
Middletown, Hebron, and Newington
- Hip and Knee Replacement
Practicing in:
Middletown, Newington, and WestbrookShowing 8 of 8Showing 8 of 8
Kevin Belanger, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Nicole Davis, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Christine Franzen, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Christopher German, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Robert Giordano, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Amanda Monfalcone, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Erika Skinnon, PA-CPhysician Assistant
Justine Vanacore, PA-CPhysician Assistant

Practicing in:
Middletown, Newington, and Hebron